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Frequently Asked Questions
I have never been to Your Health Griffith, can I still see a doctor?"Yes. We welcome new patients to Your Health Griffith however same day appointments are only available to existing patients.
What happens if I don't have a Medicare card?If you have an up to date Medicare card, you present this to reception on every visit. If you have an expired, lost or have misplaced your Medicare card you can go in to your local Medicare office, present some I.D and they will give you a temporary receipt with your new Medicare number. Our clinic will only accept a current Medicare card or the new issued receipt from Medicare. If you do not have these two, then we charge you the full consultation fee for your visit. Your receipt will be issued after your visit with the Doctor and if you have private health, you may be able to claim a percentage back.
What if I have a complaint about a health service or community service?Enter your answer here
What about my Personal Information Privacy?The doctors in this practice respect your right to decide how your personal health information is used or disclosed. In all but exceptional circumstances, personal information that identifies you will be sent to other people only with your consent. Gaining your consent is the guiding principle that we adhere to and our clinic has further information explaining more about this in detail. Our practice will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up-to-date. From time-to-time, we will ask you to verify your personal information held by our practice is correct and up-to-date.
How much does it cost to see a doctor?Our consultation fees vary depending on the time taken, and complexity of your visit. An additional cost may be incurred for dressings, procedures and vaccinations. You can get an up to date list of fees from reception. We accept cash, cheque, EFTPOS and credit card.
What if I fail to cancel an appointment or do not attend?Enter your answer here
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