Health Vaccinations
Prevention is better than cure
When people come in contact with pathogens, their immune system develops antibodies that prevent future infections – this is called immunity. Vaccination is a safe method of immunisation where your immune system is exposed to an inactive pathogen – enough so that you become immune.
Why do adults need vaccination ?
In adulthood it is important to ensure on-going protection against vaccine preventable diseases. The link below provides advice on specific diseases that are important to be protected against in adulthood.
Your Health Griffith carries the following vaccines:
Cervical Cancer Vaccines
Flu Vaccines
Whooping Cough Vaccines
Shingles vaccines (70-79 year olds)
Pneumonia vaccines
COVID-19 vaccines - Pfizer & Astrazeneca
Q Fever & Yellow Fever Vaccinations​
Your Health Griffith is an Accredited Yellow Fever and Q Fever Vaccine Centre. For more information on Q Fever and Yellow Fever Vaccinations, please visit our Travel Vaccines page.
For further enquiries please call Your Health Griffith (02) 6962 7661